The former transport yard sited off Sewardstone Road Waltham Abbey has been sent for appeal after the council rejected development plans last year. The application is for 72 dwellings 50% affordable and some sort of community building/shop is to be developed on the site. If you wish to object to this development appeal you need to write to the Planning Inspector at Room 3/10 Temple House, 2 The Square, Temple Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN. The site reference number you need to quote is APP/J1535/W/15/3033482.
The inspector will need to receive your objections before 29/07/15 and this will be the last opportunity for you to state your case, so please make the effort if you wish your voice to be heard. We are holding a residents meeting at the Plough Pub on Monday 13th July @ 8pm for residents looking for advice on how to complete their objections letters.
We look forward to meeting you there.

For those not familiar with the site it is the former Davies Farm opposite Mott Street and the Plough Pub. The site is currently home to a number of small factory units who will be forced to find alternative accomodation elsewhere if the scheme goes ahead.

Update on scheme.
The meeting was held and well attended by local residents and a very frank exchange of views was discussed. The residents individulaly following the advice from WARA decided to send their comments to the inspector and WARA agreed to do the same.

WARA received an email on 31/07/15 from Syd Stavrou of the WATC informing us that the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold a hearing into this appeal 25/08/15 at the Town Hall Epping at 10am and is open to interested parties to attend. The letter informs us that anyone wishing to present fresh evidence or to speak at the hearing may at the inspectors discretion be permitted to do so.